
April 29, 2012

Tiles that make me smile

So you know when you buy just one little thing...and it sets off this frenzy that you neeeed to have more in your life. It used to be shoes for me. I would love a pair, and have to have them in at least two other colours..oh and scarves/ trips to India since a teenager have done that. I have shelves in my wardrobe dedicated to them, and vacuum packed (large) bags stored as I just don't have the room!

Well, the other day, I popped into my local secondhand store, and I was drawn to a small, pretty tile. It was the femininity, the simplicity of the bird and it also reminded me of a henna design that made me smile. It also goes perfectly with some blue glass bottles I brought home from Spain a few years ago. Think I'm on roll!

Blue Bird Tile 29 pence from a thrift store

As seen on love this blog and tile!

Owl, Kenneth Townsend

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